[Update 1/25/2012] Yoo Ah In New York Snack Project

Hi Haveners~

As many of you already know, Ah In will be in New York next month~ Few haveners and I have been tossing different ideas for a project for Haven recently~ We finally decided to call this project our “Snack Project”~

Update: As of today, 1/25/2012, we already have 100 haveners who participated in the project and raised more than our target amount.  Since Tiny nim is not back to US yet, these figures do not include the ones who donated directly through paypal on Haven’s website.  I am very grateful for everyone who has been in great support of this project!  Since we have enough funds, besides the ‘menu’ we had from before, I am planning to add some more buns if I can find a good bakery nearby.  In addition, I will also send lovely edible arrangements for both Ah In and his manager.  When deliver the snack, hopefully, with the help of our Haven’s artist team, we can also prepare a nice poster with all the participants’ names and present that to Ah In.  Instead of getting Ah In gifts, any extra amount that after all the snack project cost being deducted will be donated to charity under Ah In’s name which will make this project much more meaningful~ Thanks again for all the support!! 🙂

Project: Yoo Ah In New York Snack Project

Project Leader: mathed

Treasurer: tinysunbl

Closing Date/Last Day to Receive Fund: Jan. 31, 2012 (tentative)

Donation Taret: $350

What is a “Snack Project” you may ask…  Since Ah In will be in New York for the filming of ‘Fashion King,’ it will be a great opportunity for us to show our support for Ah In and his new drama by sending the whole filming crew snacks and drinks~ All the contributors names and countries will be listed in the card that will be given to Ah In~^ ^~

After gathering information and discussions, here is the proposed menu for this project~

Drink: Bubble Tea (珍珠奶茶)

Snacks: Fried Chicken nuggets (鹽酥雞), Fried Squid Balls (花枝丸), Fried Fishcakes (甜不辣), Fried Pork Blood Rice (紫米糕)

Dessert: Small Cream Cakes (奶油餅)

[Note: Fried Pork Blood Rice is not really made with pork blood anymore.  It’s actually a vegetarian dish that uses purple rice to make it.  Also, the small cream cake is like 大判焼き but not with the red bean filling. Instead, it’s with cream filling.]

Mode of Donation:


For fans who live in Indonesia, follow @Furbabe @ailave and @SweetGodzilla on twitter for in-country donation plan.

For fans who live in Japan, please email zess at zess1012[at]gmail.com for in-country donation plan.

For fans who live in Thailand, follow @staywithringo on twitter or email Lobsterbisque at kalambasuta1[at]yahoo.com for in-country donation plan.

For fans who live in Philippines, follow @KitsuneMD  @d_lawbreaker and @Ashasummer on twitter or email KitsuneMD at kristinvenice[at]gmail.com for in-country donation plan. 

Depending on the fund we get, once the snack budget is reached, we can also prepare Ah In a present.  Also, if anyone who is willing to be the key person for the in-country donation plan, please leave a comment below~ I will update the post as needed~ 🙂

P.S. To: Furbabe, ailave, zess, kuku, Haydi, Asha, and Tiny~ Thank you, girls~

36 thoughts on “[Update 1/25/2012] Yoo Ah In New York Snack Project

  1. Email to Indo #haveners sent today. For those of you who live in Indonesia and still haven’t received the email yet or if we missed you out, please mention @ailave or @Furbabe on twitter. Thanks! 😀

  2. yey……another project. of course this time i’ll join you too. will be transfer my donation soon to @SweetGodzilla. #haveners hwaiting!!!

  3. Pingback: Yoo Ah In’s Recent Activities | Haven for You

  4. I’m not sure how many more Philippine haveners there are now, so please just mention me on twitter (@kitsuneMD) or email me at kristinvenice[at]gmail[dot]com if you’re interested to join this project. Thanks 🙂

    • Thank you for your interest! Details are in the post. Where are you from? If you are in one of the following countries: Indonesia, Japan, Thailand, an Philippines, please see the post for contact info of the in-country donation plan. If not, you can do this through the PayPal. The link is on the left side of Haven’s home page. Please feel free to ask if you have questions by leaving a comment here.

      Thanks again!!

  5. LOL whoops. I didn’t comment in the right place. I could probably give it to him too 🙂 I can’t donate since I don’t have a credit card but I think I could just help buy a gift for him if you need me to get something.

    • Apparently on the 13th, and staying for about 2 weeks. (Information from previous articles I read about the upcoming visit to New York)

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